Dimond Shaped yellow street sign that says No Germ Zone with illustration of hand washing

Our whole office has been battling this cold and flu going around.  Not only are we sick, but our families are sick as well.  While we are miserable, it has reminded us that we got it from somewhere and we could give it to someone else easily.  It also gave us an opportunity to do a refresher training on Infection Control.

An IT company that does training on Infection Control?

Absolutely.  Our techs are in your office, touching keyboards and counters and potentially transferring germs.  It’s important for us to make sure a clean room is kept clean and a dirty room doesn’t contaminate the rest of the office.

Maybe it’s the germaphobe in me, or maybe its all the disgusting surgical residents I dealt with as a nursing assistant in college, but I see the value in training and practicing proper infection control.

Does your IT guy do Infection Control training?